Unmasking the Hidden Fate of Carbon Emissions!
The Great Discovery of its Recycling Process
In this current publication, the author presents his research to the scientists dealing with
Earth Sciences.
The propounded Theory is to be studied and verified. The author needed clarification in
understanding the carbon emissions emitted in bulk and how and where these suddenly
disappear in bulk. In contrast, oxygen is consumed in bulk, whereas how and where it is
generated is unknown. This paradox made him consider analyzing it to understand the science &
technology of the Earth's natural system involved for bridging the carbon-oxygen cycle. While
resolving this matter, he consequently discovered why nature had to create animals and food
in civilian areas and in forest areas, the reason for carnivorous animal and prey animals to be present & flourishing.
A by-product of the above study led to the discovery of Oxygen generation*, creation of
enriched fortified Oxygen, the causes of fatal deaths, grievous injuries, seasickness,
massive fires, etc, and the solutions to prevent or manage them.
Author questions & response to - Are carbon Emission solely responsible for global warming?
Note: This book will be delivered to all scientific libraries and the libraries of Institutions free of cost. More books will be available at subsidized cost. However the book is available on this website for free reading.